IML Resi Wood Testing Drill

The IML Resi System is based on the principle of measuring the drilling resistance. A drilling needle is inserted into the wood under constant drive. While drilling, the needed energy is measured depending on the drilling depth of the needle. That way, anywhere and with little effort it is possible to get information about structures, inner defects or residual walls of trees and wooden constructions.

Depending on the instrument series, the obtained data can be recorded electronically and then transmitted, evaluated and processed on your PC with specific software or on a (wax) paper strip on a scale of 1:1. This is a precision instrument that delivers significant results. The measurement profile delivers information about the internal condition of the wood. It shows annual rings and density behavior, as well as decayed zones in the wood.

Application fields:
Care and inspection of trees along streets, in parks and forests
• Tree inspection in the context of traffic safety
• Evaluation of damages on forest trees
• Research and development
• Utility pole testing
• Playground inspection
• Carpenter ants
• Bridge inspection
• Building inspections

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